Η Logo στην εκπαίδευση: Μια κοινότητα πρακτικής και μάθησης
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The Hellenic American Union hosts the International Conference on Digital Storytelling: Digital Storytelling in times of crisis…
The International Digital Storytelling Conference is organised on May 8-10, 2014, in Athens, at the Hellenic American Union by the Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, University of Athens (http://www2.media.uoa.gr/medialab), with the support of the University Research Institute in Applied Communication (http://www.media.uoa.gr/institute) and the cooperation of the Hellenic American Union.
Please be invited to check web site http://dst.ntlab.gr for more details and join us at the conference.
Source: http://www.hau.gr/?i=culture.en.current_forth_events.3865
Conference Programme: http://dst.ntlab.gr/programme Tentative programme v3 - 02/05/2014 - 20:00
Στο Συνέδριο παρουσίασα την εισήγηση με τίτλο «Student Engagement in digital storytelling with Scratch in classroom settings»
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