Η Logo στην εκπαίδευση: Μια κοινότητα πρακτικής και μάθησης
Μαθαίνω - Κατασκευάζω - Συνεργάζομαι - Επικοινωνώ
"Coding from home" 4th webinar, την Πέμπτη 23/4/2020 στις 18:00 ώρα Ελλάδας (17:00 CET).
Στο πλαίσιο του σεμιναρίου θα παρουσιάσω την εργασία μου "Implementation of synchronous and asynchronous remote teaching in computer science lessons".
Σύνδεσμος για εγγραφή στο σεμινάριο: https://ecwacs.webex.com/ecwacs/j.php…
EU Code Week’s “Coding from home 4” webinar on Thursday 23 March at 17:00 CET.
Τhis webinar should offer a short overview of different activities that people from the EU Code Week community and other tech enthusiasts do to help the society and in particular teachers to cope with the coronavirus lockdown. With your presentations we would like to inspire others and we also want to encourage the EU Code Week community to take a pro-active approach and think about more activities to support each other and in particular teachers and young people.
Link to the registration: https://ecwacs.webex.com/ecwacs/j.php…
Here's the agenda:
17:05 - 17:10 – Annika Ostergren, Coding@home - new videos coming soon
17:10 - 17:15 – Nair Carrera Martinez, New Icebreaker MOOC to be launched in May
17:15 - 17:25 - Sophia Reyes Mury, Robotics teacher community Switzerland https://www.roteco.ch/fr/
17:25 - 17:35 - Katerina Glezou, Greek Leading Teacher
17:35 - 17:45 - Fatma Bouaziz, Tunisian Leading Teacher
Look forward to e-meeting you.
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Γίνετε μέλος του Η Logo στην εκπαίδευση: Μια κοινότητα πρακτικής και μάθησης